Just like an Ohrwurm! (Perhaps a silver lining for BNEO)

by LGOO II Angel Lacaba   In the intricacy of grassroots governance, I find myself in awe of how it resonates well with the people behind the smallest political unit in the country—the barangay.   As the sun peeked at Sunset Boulevard in Libagon, indistinct chatters were echoing outside.  Alas! Those were from the elected continue reading : Just like an Ohrwurm! (Perhaps a silver lining for BNEO)

Empowering Tomorrow: The Journey of GIP Interns within DILG Regional Office 8

by: Admin Aide IV Ma. Ahnalie T. Moreto   “Every experience, no matter how challenging, opens doors to growth and discovery.”  Interning at the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Regional Office 8 through the Government Internship Program (GIP) has been  life-changing, revealing the vital role of engaging in public service. I realized the continue reading : Empowering Tomorrow: The Journey of GIP Interns within DILG Regional Office 8